
Chasing Water

Photographer Peter McBride traveled along the Colorado River from its source high in the Rocky Mountains to its historic mouth at the Sea of Cortez. In this Yale Environment 360 video, he follows the natural course of the Colorado by raft, on foot, and overhead in a small plane, telling the story of a river whose water is siphoned off at every turn, leaving it high and dry 80 miles from the sea.

In the video, McBride, a Colorado native, documents how increasing water demands have transformed the river that is the lifeblood for an arid Southwest.

America’s Most Endangered Rivers® 2013

1. Colorado River
Outdated water management is threatening recreation, water supply, and wildlife habitat.
2. Flint River
Water supply for communities, farms, recreation, and wildlife are threatened by outdated water management.
3. San Saba River
The river’s flow for ranchers, citizens, and lakes might disappear from outdated water management.
4. Little Plover River
Outdated water management is putting fish habitat and water supply at risk.
5. Catawba River
Coal ash pollution is threatening drinking water and recreation.
6. Boundary Waters
Copper and nickel mining at putting recreation, drinking water, and wilderness at risk.
7. Black Warrior River
Coal mining will put drinking water quality and fish and wildlife habitat at risk.
8. Rough & Ready and Baldface Creeks
Nickel mining endangering pristine rivers, wilderness, botanical diversity and recreation.
9. Kootenai River
Open-pit coal mining is endangering water quality and survival of rare fish and wildlife.
10. Niobrara River
Improper sediment management is putting property, crops, and public safety at risk of flooding.
Special Mention: Merced River
Intentional flooding of this Wild & Scenic River would harm wildlife habitat and recreation.

What type of water is the best?

We are frequently asked this question, and we know it can be confusing. Well, let us take you through the options one step at a time and you may then decide for yourself what type of water you feel is the best for you. There are many sources of information (some would say too many) to get your information from and each one may give you a different perspective, a different set of claims for a product. We have been inundated with correspondence and enquiries about which type of water is or should be the preferred water to drink, and why one might be better than another might. Let us look at some of the claims made for these treated water supplies and more importantly how water affects your body.

Facts about Distilled Water

Distilled Water:

  • Is water that has been turned into steam; its impurities are left behind. Then the water is condensed and precipitates into a separate container as pure distilled water with virtually all the contaminants removed.
  • Higher purity than water treated by a carbon filter or reverse osmosis
  • Tastes good and is a great for rehydration.
  • Leaves no residues in the body.
  • Is great for the healthy functioning of the body.
  • It is a universally accepted standard for biomedical applications.
  • A better, safe alternative for pets, houseplants, ice cubes, cooking, fruit juices, coffee and tea.

The Global Water Grab: Meet the “New Water Barons”

“Not only are individual corporations buying up water but a deluge of globalized capital are also rapidly buying up water and consolidating their foothold in the water sector; these capital entities are investment powerhouses such as Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Merrill Lynch (before it was sold to Bank of America), Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, Deutsche Bank, Credit Suisse, Macquarie Bank, Allianz SE, UBS AG, HSBC Bank, Alinda Capital, The Carlyle Group, Barclays Bank, Nomura Holdings, and many others. In fact, Wall Street and their global banking and corporate partners are aggressively buying up water all over the world.”

check out the  FULL ARTICLE


Hydrogen and oxygen together form the water molecule. Any other form of liquid with additional components are broken down and cleared away by the liver.Water containing nothing but hydrogen and oxygen is pure and this is the only kind of water which the blood and the lymph use in their work. Both the blood and the lymph require pure water to assist them in their functions.

Pharmaceuticals In Your Tap Distillation Will Trap!

Yes, we have seen the headlines regarding the presence of pharmaceuticals in most tap water today. This is not news here or to almost anyone associated with the purification of water for consumptive use.

Most of today’s pharmaceuticals (drugs) are synthetic organic chemicals. (Carbon based). Fortunately, most of them have melting points and boiling points considerably above the boiling point of water.