A River of Waste


This documentary looks at the potential hazards caused by factory farms in the United States, particularly by waste disposal.

Beginning with a history of the American food system, River of Waste shows its evolution to large-scale corporate farms where pollution and use of growth hormones threaten both individual health and the future of our planet.

A River of Waste exposes a huge health and environmental scandal in our modern industrial system of meat and poultry production.

Some scientists have gone so far as to call the condemned current factory farm practices as mini Chernobyls. In the U.S. and elsewhere, the meat and poultry industry is dominated by dangerous uses of arsenic, antibiotics, growth hormones and by the dumping of massive amounts of sewage in fragile waterways and environments.

The film documents the vast catastrophic impact on the environment and public health as well as focuses on the individual lives damaged and destroyed.

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