17 year old girl invents a device that creates fresh water and clean energy

Meet Cynthia Sin Nga Lam from Melbourne, Australia. This amazing 17 year old girl may just have created a machine that could dig her predecessors out of a massive hole they dug for themselves with the lack of sustainable and economical living in the past.

Miss Lam put her innovative device into the running for Google’s 2014 Science Fair. This device not only cleans contaminated water, but also uses the contaminants removed from the water to catalyse electrolysis in order to release hydrogen as a byproduct to be used in fuel cells to generate electricity, which, in turn, creates more clean water. Amazing, right?!

Electricity and clean water are two vital things that we easily have access to, but are sadly seen as luxury elements in the lives for those in underdeveloped countries.

Titled “H2Pro”, Cynthia Sin Naga Lam’s ingenious invention should create a more than affordable method for millions to gain access to clean water and electricity. Her submission to Google’s Science Fair competition lays out the project, which first originated from her interest in photocatalytic processes (which are processes driven primarily by light energy). Keep in mind that this brilliant invention rose from the creative





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