10 Reasons You Should Be Prepared with Pure Drinking Water

The amazing stories emerging from the devastated North East Coast of the US remind us all how large and destructive these major storms can be. The area affected is as large as Europe according to a Fox News report. So the rescue and support efforts have to reach millions of people in a very short time. You are best to prepare for self-sufficiency.

1. You and your family can only live for a few days without water.

2. Drinking severely contaminated water can cause serious illness, and even death

3. Bottled water disappears from store shelves within hours of a disaster.

4. Bottled water re-supply to store shelves may not be possible for days, even weeks.

5. Bottled water plants may be out of operation after a disaster

6. Bottled water delivery can be stopped if roads are not usable.

7. You can’t rely on FEMA, government and your local utilities in all emergencies.

8. Earthquakes can destroy underground piping infrastructure disrupting water supplies.

9. In winter temperatures pipes can burst due to freezing, thus jeopardizing water supplies

10. Water supplies can be contaminated with sewage in an emergency

Preparing for an emergency is wise. Make sure you have your water emergency plan in place before an emergency arises.

FEMA and the Red Cross as well as the American Water Works Association (AWWA) recommend that in an emergency you should use distilled water. Distilled water undergoes prolonged boiling thus eliminating the biological contaminants and is of very high purity.

Here are some suggestions:

  • Have a distiller with a large storage tank, and keep the storage tank full at all times.
  • Fit you distiller with a pressure tank. This allows you to get stored distilled water from the storage tank even if the power fails.
  • Have an emergency distiller on hand.

Store bottled water. Glass containers are better than plastic bottled; plasticizers leach from the plastic over time.

 Posted Nov 13 2012 by Al Meder – Watercology


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